IADA judges are highly respected experts from renowned design institutes and design houses. They form an independent judging anel to evaluate the works of the entrants and to recognise the most creative works as award winners.

Anne Odling-Smee

Anne is the founder and principle partner O-SB design, a leading London design house known for its creative, intelligent and visually impactful campaigns.

Anne’s accomplishments have been recognized by her peers and she is a highly sought-after lecturer, both in the UK and abroad.

Her impact on contemporary print design can also been seen in her writings for such publications as Eye Magazine and Phaidon as well as being the author of The New Handmade Graphics (RotoVision 2003).

In 2011 Anne founded her second design agency: Design Science (, which she now runs alongside O-SB.

Anne has taught communication design in the UK and abroad for over 16 years, including at Central Saint Martins and the Royal College of Art in London.

Mark Jackson

Mark Jackson is one of the UK’s leading curators and lecturers in Fine Art Critical Theory and Curatorial Practice. Mark lectures at Northumbria University where his research interests span fine art, sound art and curating. Outside the Ivory Tower, Mark is also the Curator and cofounder of IMT Gallery, London, and the Lead Curator of Gallery North, Newcastle.

Terence Yeung


Experience Architect

Founder of Miles Branding.

Terence’s creative career has evolved through time as industries continuously transform and merge across boundaries. He is an Artist, Designer, Curator, Educator, Interior Architect, Brand Consultant, Digital Branding and all in between. Terence uses all his experience across the different disciplines to practice master skills and to demonstrate his creativity in all that he undertakes.

Miles Branding focuses on building tangible living brand experience.

Kenneth Kawamoto

Materia Prima

Ken’s background is in digital innovation design, and he has created a number of pioneering web/apps for companies such as BBC, Microsoft, Samsung, and Vodafone.

More recently, he has been focusing on producing commercial editorial design at national news media organisations. He is a former Creative Director at The Daily Telegraph, and also a former Digital Editorial Creative Director at Reach Plc/Daily Mirror Group. His teams won numerous awards for their captivating campaigns produced for clients from various industry verticals.

Currently, he is assisting an international client base ranging from AXA and Expedia to Salesforce, combining his expertise in UX/UI, editorial, and marketing designs.